Travis Grayson is my best friend—and I’m his. It’s been like that for the last fifteen years. I would do anything for him, go anywhere for him…and I have, countless times. Except now, now he’s asking for too much. Our friendship has reached a breaking point and I don’t know how to go back.
When he decided to go pro in the BMX circuit, I traveled with him as often as I could and was always the most supportive best friend I could be. When I graduated college and he asked me to be his personal assistant, we spent every waking moment together. We never fought or argued, in fact, our friendship was stronger than ever.
But a fractured ankle has put his career on hold and has given him more downtime than he knows what to do with. Always one for excitement, he agrees to become the bachelor on a televised dating show. He only agreed to do the show, if I would come along and go undercover to help him weed out the girls. Reluctantly, I agreed to give up my eight weeks of freedom.
Now I’m stuck in hell surrounded by girls desperate for his attention. He promised me this show would be smooth sailing. He promised he would listen to my advice on which girls should be eliminated. Except now he’s breaking those promises. He’s stopped listening to my advice and I’m afraid he might be falling for the worst girl here.
I shouldn’t care. Except, there’s one girl here that I’m realizing I don’t want him to eliminate. There’s one girl who I want to see go all the way to the end, and I want Travis to choose her.
That girl is me. I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with my best friend and it looks like he will break my heart in front of the entire world on national TV.
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“Riles. Riles wake up!” My shoulder was being shaken so hard I thought it was going to dislocate.
“Mmm, five more minutes.” I groaned, rolling to get out of the horrible grasp.
“Riles, you don’t have five minutes! It’s 7:30. You need to get up and get back to the house!” This time I recognized Travis as the shoulder nudging culprit.
“Trav, go away.” I threw my arm out, hitting him in the jaw.
“Doll, I can’t go away when I have to be at the house in an hour!”
Wait, did he say an hour?
I shot up, rubbing my eyes against the bright light streaming through his bedroom windows.
Shit, I had fallen asleep in his bed. Now I had to find some way to sneak back into the house, with all the girls awake. Double shit.
“Trav, you weren’t supposed to let me fall asleep!” I whined, crawling out of bed. “How am I supposed to get back into the house undetected?” I walked over to his windows, throwing my hair up into a messy bun at the top of my head.
I peeked through his curtains and could see the main house just through the trees. People were moving about throughout the house. I turned to the other window which looked directly out to the pool.
“Nice view you have here.” My voice dripped with sarcasm. I could make out two figures drinking coffee out on the patio.
Crap, getting back there under the radar was going to be next to impossible.
“Trav, how am I going to get back there?” Groaning, I followed him into his kitchen.
“I don’t know. I uh…” Travis glanced around the kitchen trying to come up with a plan. His eyes landed on something and he broke into a smile. “That’s it.”
I looked down to what he was staring at and laughed. “My shoes? What genius plan did you come up with using my shoes?”
“You went for a morning run. You can go out my back door. There is a pathway that leads to the beach and isn’t seen from the house. You can run back up to the house on the beach. No one would know!” He was getting super excited about this plan, except there was one major flaw.
“Travis, I don’t run. You know this!” My arms were flailing wildly around, trying to make the point.
“The old Riley Logan didn’t run. The new Riley Logan, who all these girls know, does.” He popped that damn cocky grin on his face.
“I just want you to know, I hate you,” I mumbled, resigned to putting my shoes on. I really didn’t have an option and he knew it. He came up with the best plan we had, and I’d have to follow through.
“If by hate, you mean love. Then yes, yes I know.” Travis led me to the back door of the house and opened it, making sure the coast was clear.
I punched him in the arm before heading down the path to the beach.
“If I die from this thing you call running, it’s all on you,” I yelled lowly over my shoulder. Travis’ laugh followed me as I made my way down to the beach.
Born and raised in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin, Caylie fell in love with reading at a young age. With her lively imagination, she created numerous stories in her head throughout her childhood and teenage years. Finally at 16 she sat down at the computer and wrote out her first full length novel. That pacified her for a time. However, the stories kept swimming through her mind. Finally in 2013 she typed out Chapter One of three different novels and sent them off to a close friend for review. At her friends advice, she started exclusively writing Choose Us. When she isn’t slaving away at the keyboard, Caylie is an avid reader, and lover of coffee… copious amounts of coffee. She also has an unhealthy addiction to tv shows—binge watching is her favorite.
She chases her two kids around the house all day, and has a husband whom she adores.
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