Saturday, March 14, 2015

Review of "Redwood Violet Series" By: Robin Mahle

"Redwood Violet Series" By: Robin Mahle

Redwood Violet
Life is going well for Kate Reid: a boyfriend that is doing well and loves her; a job that she loves and she is just about to be maid of honour at her best friend's wedding.  The only thing that is stopping it from being perfect are the nightmares that she has started having.  They are more than nightmares though and are actually repressed memories from a traumatic event from her childhood.  Her job takes her on a parallel journey that sets her on a path to find justice for what happened to her.  This journey doesn't please everyone in her life as thy struggle to understand her need for closure.  

This was a difficult story to tell and for the most part it was a successful telling.  In places the dialogue seemed choppy and stilted and I didn't really get the relationship between Kate and Spencer.  This could be down to the lack of empathy and sympathy he demonstrates and when he does show it, it came across as forced.

It was a great introduction to Kate's journey.  A journey that has huge potential to keep us on the edge of our seats.  It is one that I can't wait to continue with.

All The Shiny Things
Continuing with Kate's journey, this picks up right where 'Redwood Violet' left off and its about to get a lot more scary.  The flow of this book was much smoother as the action ratchets up a gear.

The real danger from the evil predator is palpable as you live through the nightmare with Kate.  Throughout she has the support from Marshall who has believed in her and understood her when no one else would.

Fast paced and an action packed read that will keep you hooked until its terrifying conclusion.

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