Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Author Spotlight: Ruthi Kight!

1. Tell us about your book/books? Knotted Roots is a Young Adult coming of age story with some romance thrown in. Roxie is a girl from the big city that gets tossed down South for a summer of work. It was my first book and holds a special place in my heart. Hidden Falls is a Knotted Roots novella.  It’s about two of the secondary characters, Katy and Brian, and helps to lead in to the second full length that I’m currently working on. Then there’s Burn Out. It’s a New Adult suspense/mystery that I absolutely adore. It’s full of foul language and some super sexy scenes. It was a blast to write!

2. How did you get started as a writer? I’ve always loved to write, but it wasn’t until after my mother passed away that I really pushed myself to make it happen. She always believed in me, no matter what I wanted to do.  Knotted Roots wasn’t my first book idea, but it was the first to come to completion, simply because I pushed myself so hard to get it done. Writing has always been a part of me. I’m just lucky enough to be able to share it with the world now.

3. What’s a typical day like for you? These days it’s a mess, lol. I like to sleep, so I’m a late waker. Once I’m awake, I spend my day getting school work done or trying to clean the house. That part doesn’t always work out, lol. It’s not until my daughter goes to bed that I can actually sit down and get some writing done. I can usually be found typing along each night until my eyes can’t stay open any longer. The past 6 months though have been different. It’s taking everything in me to actually write since I’ve got Prego Brain and can’t seem to focus for very long! LOL

4. Describe your workspace. I have a work area, my office, but I rarely work in there anymore.  The couch has become my best friend. It’s comfortable and I can put my feet up while I work. And there’s always music while I work. I’m a dork when it comes to my music, so you’ll mainly hear Glee songs blasting through my computer, lol.

5. Favorite books? I have a current obsession with ALL of R.K. Ryals’ books. One of my best friends told me about her books and insisted I needed to check them out. So I did…and now I’m obsessed, lol. If you love a good paranormal, check hers out. My ALL-TIME fave will always be Pride and Prejudice though. I have read that one at least two dozen times. Mr. Darcy was my first book crush! LOL

6. Tell us 3 interesting things about you. I’m not very interesting! LOL 1) I collect Barbie dolls. My mom started that tradition with me when I was a child, and it’s never stopped even now that I’m 30!  2) I’m a book hoarder (shocking, right? Lol) I have over 300 signed books, and I’ve lost count of all the rest. I need a meeting to help me LOL. 3) I am socially awkward. I never know what to say when I meet someone new. I either act like a spaz or I clam up. So if you ever meet me, I promise, it’s not you! LOL I just have no earthly idea what I’m doing! LOL

7. Favorite quote: “Whether you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right”  I’m not sure who originally said that, but I heard it from a very dear friend named Terri who always pushes me to be better.

8. Best and worst part of being a writer? Best- That I can set my own hours and my own pace. That, and I get to share my stories with others, instead of them only living in my mind. Worst? That’s a tough one. I’d say the pressure. There’s always a certain level of pressure to make the next book even better. Then there’s the dreaded “Lists” that every writer would love to be on. Soooo much pressure! That’s why I try to just go with the flow. Even if only one person reads my books, I’m happy. That’s one more than the day before J

9. Advice to writers? NEVER give up. It’s that simple. If you are continually learning and honing your craft, then you’re already a success. When you hit that point where you think you can’t learn anything new, that’s when you know it’s time to stop, cause there’s always something new to learn. Oh, and NEVER respond to reviews. That’s a biggie. Just don’t do it. It’s bad juju and can lead to a world of hurt. Take it from someone who had to learn things the hard way.

Find Ruthi Kight on Facebook:

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