Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Waiting for Wyatt for SD Hendrickson

Title: Waiting for Wyatt
Author: SD Hendrickson
Genre: Contemporary Romance/ New Adult
 Release Date: January 12, 2016


“The dogs that deserved a chance, the guy who needed a second, and the girl determined to save him.”

My name is Emma Sawyer.

I met Charlie and Wyatt on the same sultry, summer day. It was unexpected, leaving a feeling in the pit of my stomach like the time I drove too fast over Beckett Hill. The moment happened out of nowhere, all fast and quick and a little strange. Or maybe that was just Wyatt’s personality.

It was Charlie that brought us together. Little Charlie with those ridiculous ears. I found the dog, waiting in a pool of his own blood. Waiting for someone. Waiting for me.

Now Wyatt, he wasn’t waiting for anyone. At least that’s what he said, except I saw something different in the broken guy all alone out in the woods. I knew he needed me before he knew it himself.

Wyatt with his hidden dimples. Wyatt with his warnings to stay away. He was a hard lump of coal, ready to burn everything around him. The more he burned, the more it pulled me into the pain I saw etched on his troubled face.

I wanted to help Wyatt. I wanted to save him like he had saved all the Charlies in the world. He told me not to fall for him, but I did anyway. I fell hard and fast and deeply in love with Wyatt Caulfield.

But that was before I knew his secret.

Author Note: Waiting for Wyatt is the love story of Wyatt Caulfield and Emma Sawyer, which also features rescue animals. It’s a 112,000 word standalone, Contemporary Romance / New Adult Novel.

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Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆

Emma is hiding in her apartment from her landlord because she took the dog that he was abusing. Emma is taking Charlie to the shelter where he can be protected. Emma goes to where the lady from Red Dirt Claws sent her. That's where she met Wyatt, she couldn't help but feel like she had to help him. Wyatt gets really frustrated at Emma from all the personal questions that she asks him.

Emma is a nice person and a dog lover, she helps buy groceries for her elderly neighbor Mr. Hughes. She works at a nursing home and she is trying to get all of her classes done so she can go to nursing school. She wants to help Wyatt, has a knee injury. Wyatt lives out in the country working at the dog rescue. He has secrets of his own that is hard for him to tell. He is very moody and he loves to read and he loves the animals. Mr. Hughes has problems going up and down the stairs, he talks about Priscilla all the time. Blaire is Emma's twin and the exact opposite of her. She plays the tuba and she gives tuba lessons. She loves Criminal Minds, she doesn't drive and she has anxiety. Kurt is Emma and Blaire's creepy landlord, he doesn't stop watching them, border line psychotic. Diane is a dog foster, volunteers at Red Dirt Claws, she has a kennel license.

This is my first book by SD Hendrickson and I can honestly say that this book will not be my last. I loved SD Hendrickson's style of writing and how I was drawn in from the first page. I thought that the characters are very well developed and that I couldn't help but feel very connected to the characters.

Author Bio

SD Hendrickson received a Bachelor's of Science in Journalism and Public Relations from Oklahoma State University. She lives in Tulsa with her husband and two schnauzers. Currently, her days are spent teaching computer software to oil and gas companies. The Mason List was her first novel and it was nominated for Goodreads Choice Awards – Best Debut Author 2015.

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