Monday, January 20, 2014

Author Spotlight: Sarah Dosher!

1. Tell us about your book/books?
My first two books are mature YA.  Haven from the Storm was my first novel followed by its prequel, Before the Storm.  They are a part of the Storms of Life Series.
*My most recent book is a standalone NA title A Blue Tale.

2. How did you get started as a writer?
I've always been a huge reader with aspirations of writing.  Once self publishing hit the scene I saw a way to share my stories but still wasn't sure I had enough of a story for a novel.  But after hearing Blown Away by Carrie Underwood I found the inspiration for a story that just continued to grow and grow.

3. What’s a typical day like for you?
I work full time in healthcare, so a typical day for me is spent at work followed by family time with my husband and 4 year old twins.  After everyone has gone to bed I try to write for at least an hour everyday.

4. Describe your workspace.
Since I'm not a full time writer I don't really have a designated writing space in my house.  Most of my writing is done while I'm sitting in my bed.

5. Favorite books?
It's far easier for me to list my favorite authors than books. haha  For some reason narrowing it down to books causes me anixety.
Kristen Ashley, Jamie McGuire, Madeline Sheehan, Gillian Flynn - I will read anything these women write!

6. Tell us 3 interesting things about you.
1. I'm not very interesting. haha
2. I live in a very, very small town in Oklahoma.
3. I'm addicted to Diet Coke.

7. Favorite quote:
I love quotes so I have a lot that are my favs.  Here's one I'm reciting to myself a lot recently.
And though she be but little, she is fierce.  - Shakespeare

8. Best and worst part of being a writer?
Best is sharing my stories with readers and having them be touched in some way.
Worst is sharing my stories and being ridiculed in some way for doing so.

9. Advice to writers?
Write!  No matter what you think you can or can not do, just write and it will all come together.

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