The Librarian Principle
Helena Hunting
Annaliese Harper knows that one tiny mistake can jeopardize a career before it’s even begun. Letting your boss find the extensive collection of porn on your personal laptop is one way. Sleeping with him is another. Liese manages to do both.
As the new librarian at a prestigious small-town private high school, Liese is drawn to her sexy, charismatic principal, Ryder Whitehall—an attraction she refuses to acknowledge given their relationship and her recent liberation from a delusional ex-boyfriend.
Liese is certain Ryder’s flirtation is the product of her sex-deprived imagination—until he discovers her digital porn stash during working hours and demands a private meeting. Behind closed doors, their attraction explodes into a dangerous, passionate affair that not only threatens their jobs and reputations, but most of all, their hearts.

“Honestly? I barely remember Friday evening, apart from when you told me you wanted to . . . what was it you said? I'm sure it had something to do with you being inside me.” Liese exhaled heavily as the memory came back to her in vivid flashes: his mouth close to her ear, the words burning through her mind and her body. They’d been in her front hallway.
Ryder's face turned a shade of red usually reserved for the primary color wheel. “Well, I…I—” His hands waved around in the air before he shoved them into his pockets. “Is that the only part you remember?”
Liese blinked at him. “No,” she replied defiantly, the floor suddenly very interesting.
“For the love of . . .” Ryder sighed. “What else do you remember?”
“You undressed me.”
“Oh, no. You undressed yourself despite my request that you remain clothed.” Ryder's eyes swept over her as if recalling the event. “I was kind enough to find you something to sleep in.”
“I sleep naked.”
“Oh, I remember.” He took a step closer. “However I didn't feel it would be in my best interest to have you so exposed in your condition. Particularly while I was trying to put you to bed. You are incredibly difficult to resist when you're clothed, let alone when you're naked and willing.” He lowered his voice to a seductive whisper. “And you were very, very willing.”
She scoffed to hide her indignity. “I highly doubt that.”
“You were quite insistent I stay and get naked along with you.” He paused as his eyes searched hers. “I didn't think it prudent, though, considering your state of intoxication, no matter how badly I wanted to accommodate your request.”
Liese opened her mouth, but only a squeaky, embarrassed sound came out. Being turned on wasn't going to help her resolve to keep their relationship professional.
“I also didn't think you'd appreciate waking up on your bathroom floor, which is where you originally intended to go to bed.”
“Oh, my God.” Another memory broke free, screaming its way into her conscious. Ryder had lifted her onto the bathroom counter and reached behind her for something, her toothbrush possibly? She couldn't recall exactly, having been too fixated on his proximity at the time. She’d grabbed his tie and yanked him forward, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt and the buckle of his belt. He had been gentle but persistent when he'd clasped her hands in his, lips brushing her temple to press against her forehead. More images surfaced, settling on one where she’d been on her knees in front of the vanity, her hands on Ryder's belt. She'd tried to blow him in her bathroom?
“Did I—” Horrified, she choked on the words. “Did we—”
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
Annaliese donned a mask of fake composure and steeled herself against the inevitable on slaught of awkward introduction. Nervous tension twisted her gut as she checked out the staff of Fulterton Academy of Higher Learning. Ryder's unexpected contact sent a shiver down her spine. During the meeting she met Blake and Emily. Mr. Whitehall's presence commanded the staff's attention, his charismatic presence made it nearly impossible to tear her eyes away from him. Liese found out that she meshed well with the staff at Fulterton Academy of Higher Learning. She couldn't contain her growing infatuation with Ryder, Liese asked Mr. Whitehall to be her advisor usually principles dont become advisors but he agreed. There is a rule that you can't date coworkers. Liese and Ryder start meetings after school for her plan for a literacy program. She had to bring her computer into work because she lost her thumb drive and she accidently showed him something that she didn't want him to see. What did Liese show Ryder?
Annaliese is the New Librarian at Fullerton Academy of Higher . She is 5'7'', she wants to start a literacy program. She didn't like the way Ryder's touch affected her ability to think straight.Ryder is Annaliese's boss, attractive, principal, made himself availabe to Annaliese as she settled into her new position. He is authoritative, nononsense demeanor, passionate, wellspoken, funny, attentive and encouraging. Harvey Little is the assistant principal. Blake Stone is the drama teacher and he is the perfectionest. Emily Captian is the art history teacher. Marissa is Annaliese's friend and sends inapproperiate pictures to Annaliese. Brain is Annaliese's ex.
This is my first book by Helena Hunting and it most definitely will not be my last. I loved how well the characters were developed and I also loved the storyline. I Loved the authors style of writing. I highly recommend this book.
Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s putting her degree in English Lit to good use by writing contemporary erotic romance. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.
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