Friday, October 24, 2014

Left Behind by Vi Keeland and Dylan Scott Blog Tour

A New Adult Romance novel
New York Times Bestselling Author Vi Keeland and Dylan Scott
Release date 10/16/2014

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He looks up and I watch his eyes take me in.  Slowly.  They rake over me, dropping from my eyes to my glossed lips down to my exposed shoulders.  Taking his time, he follows the neckline of my simple, yet body contouring sundress, lingering when he reaches my full breasts.  I’m sufficiently covered, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t aware that the dress showed off my assets well.  Tight around my chest, gathering snuggly at the waist, with a scant amount of cleavage.  Just enough coverage to still leave something for him to imagine.  And I watch his face change as his imagination takes off running.
His eyes drift down my legs, tanned now from the eternal California sun.  Momentarily he’s lost in what he sees and doesn’t even notice I’m watching him leer.  Totally worth the extra effort getting ready tonight, I couldn’t be happier at the reaction I get.  Eventually, his eyes make their way back up to mine and I arch one eyebrow, letting him know he’s been caught.  A normal reaction might be to look embarrassed or perhaps even flustered a little.  But not Zack.  Instead, he flashes me a wicked grin.  “You look incredible.”  He’s the one doing the leering, yet I’m the one who ends up blushing.
Watch the trailer at:

Book Information: Release Date 10/16/2014
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Available at:

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Want to read the first few chapters?  Sign up for Vi’s mailing list now and get a sneak peek!

Two stories so deeply intertwined, you’ll think you know how they intersect…but you’ll be wrong….

Zack Martin
The day I met Emily Bennett my whole world changed. Sure, we were just kids, but I was old enough to know my life would never be the same. She was my best friend. My destiny. My fate. I wasn’t wrong…I just didn’t know how twisted fate could be.

Nikki Fallon
After the death of my mother, moving from my dark and dreary trailer park to sunny California, I was focused on one thing – finding a sister I’d only just learned existed. Falling in love with him wasn’t part of the plan. But he filled a void I never knew was possible to fill. He had to be my fate. My destiny. Until the day I finally found out who my sister was…and how twisted fate could be.

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Teaser Pic & Graphic
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Nikki stands in the parking lot alone, rain pelts down on her so hard that it stings her skin. The navy dress she is wearing is the only dress that she owns. It's the first time she has cried since it happend.Ms.Evans is the worst social worker she's ever had. Watching her casually walk into her mother's funeral, reminds Nikki of all the months she kept them apart. Nikki throws a rock at Ms Evan's window, unsatisified she throws another rock and breaks her window. Zack met Emily at the age of nine, he thinks that he fell in love with her before he understood what falling in love ment. Nikki found out that she is going to be moving again and she didn't want to have to tell Ashley. Ms Evans gave Nikki a letter that was from her mother and in that letter she found out that she has an aunt and a twin sister who was adopted at birth. Nikki goes with Ms Evans to meet her Aunt Claire Nichols. Claire was awarded temporary custady of Nikki. Zack and Emily got into a huge fight at the bonfire, so Emily didn't want to leave with Zack. Zack's mom comes into his room crying and he thought that something happend to his father, but it turned out to be something happend to Emily. Zack and Nikki meet at the track while running, Zack finally starts to talk to her. Will anything happen between Zack and Nikki.

Nikki is a foster child, her mother died when she was seventeen, Feburary 14 is her birthday and her favorite holiday, she wants to find her sister, The Library has always been her santuary. Ms Evans is Nikki's social worker. Zack is the quarterback and captian of the football team, hasn't been to school for months after Emily's death.Emily has changed over the last couple of years, captain of the cheerleaders. Allie is Zacks friend and has English class with him. Keller is Zack's friend and is in his English class. Ashley is Nikki's best friend for four years. Claire Nichols is Nikki's aunt and is hiding things from Nikki. 

This is my first book by Vi Keeland and Dylan Scott and it most definitely will not be my last. I loved how I was hooked from the first page. I couldn't put this book down, the characters were very well developed. I loved how this book was very fast paced.

About the Authors:
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Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work.  She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!

Dylan Scott
Dylan Scott is a New York trial attorney, wife and mother of four.  She believes her job as a trial attorney is a subcategory to the field of entertainment more than law.   With a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature she believed teaching English was a destined career choice until she realized her life long talent of "argument" could actually be her job.   A recent, fairly boring, midlife crisis resulted in a brief stint as a middle school English teacher which confirmed that she wasn't ready to give up the law.   Dylan has also taught legal courses at the college level and worked with at-risk inner city youth in the roles of mentor and coach.  She is co-author Vi Keeland's biggest fan.

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