Sunday, August 31, 2014

Blog Tour: Into the Light by Kat T. Masen

Into the Light (The Dark Angel Series)
by Kat T. Masen
Publication: August 23, 2014


“I need to tell you why I was so afraid to fall in love with you again. Why from the moment I saw you in the restaurant I tried to deny any feelings I still had for you. Why I pushed you away, why I lied to you that day in the hospital… It all started during the summer break of 2005, exactly sixty days since the last time I had seen you…”

He was the Dark Angel. He came and stole what she had desperately tried to hold onto: her heart. Charlie Mason thought she knew better until her insecurities overruled and she again believed he broke her.

In a bid to finally find their happily ever after, Lex and Charlie find themselves on a journey of learning how to love again. They began a new future to move forward from a broken past, but life is never so easy. When you finally have the one thing you’ve always wanted, what do you do when that place of darkness finds its way back, shattering everything you fought so hard to have? 

This is the final story of Lex and Charlie, two souls that were brought back together in a twist of fate. An eternal love that has been through every storm, dragged into the dark abyss without a chance of climbing out, but through all the battles they find themselves in a place they call home, away from the darkness and away from the fear. With a glimmer of hope, they look directly into the light.

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Finally he pulled me in, our lips only inches apart. His warm breath lingered in the air between us. I closed my eyes, waiting in anticipation to feel his lips against mine, but it was his finger I felt, tracing my bottom lip. My chest rising and falling at a fast pace, I shivered from his touch. His mouth lingered on my bottom lip, and what only was seconds but felt like hours, he gently sucked on my lip, savoring this moment. Everything that weighed heavily on my shoulders slowly lifted as his kiss spread throughout me, shining a light on every part of me that had been encased in darkness. He was mine, and I was his. And I knew that I wanted his kiss for the rest of my life and nobody else’s. He was the one... He was always the one.

About the Author

Born and bred in Sydney Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to three crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn’t exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion to write began and the friendships continued on despite the distance. 
“I’m known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig and I’ll be laughing for days.

Release Day Blitz: Natasha by Dahlia Donovan

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Undercover Interpol agent Natasha Itsov is the ice queen of the European shifter world. Her reputation for loving and leaving without a second thought is well known. Until she met Darren Martel, another fox shifter. She broke both of their hearts when she ran from the bond forming between them.

It’s been years since they’ve crossed paths with each other.

The threat of the Auctioneer looming over Ivy brings the two shifters together for one last mission. Old wounds are reopened, while they struggle to ignore the bond formed all those years ago. Neither wants to risk another catastrophic broken heart, yet neither wants to walk away from the chance of happily ever after.

Is it ever too late for love?

Natasha is the second book of the Blackbird series by Dahlia Donovan. Book one, Ivy, is currently for sale on Amazon, Nook & Smashwords.

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“Get in here, girl.” Marin Petrov pounded on his desk. Natasha heard it echo all the way in her own office.

Jolting from the forms she had been filling out for his next business trip, Natasha slid her feet into her black stilettos and quickly made her way from her office into his. The absurdity of one of the worst human traffickers in Europe having an office fit for a lawyer never ceased to strike her as disturbingly or perhaps disgustingly normal. She kept her expression blank and bored when she stepped in front of him.

His gaze drifted, as it always did, from her pointed heels along her stockings to her leather skirt and white buttoned blouse. Natasha raised an eyebrow at him. She never let him intimidate her. It was why he’d kept her alive when most of his secretaries met untimely accidents when their noses strayed too far into his business.

“We’re moving to Kiev.” Petrov tossed a stack of papers in her direction. She crouched down to retrieve them, careful not to give him the view he wanted. “Get it organised. Now.”

Natasha nodded politely and exited the office as quickly as she had entered it. Her disgust for the man was difficult to mask at times. Of all the undercover assignments Natasha Itsov had taken for Interpol, she thought working with the Auctioneer might possibly be the worst. She glanced briefly down at the documents in her hands and froze when a familiar name caught her attention.

Blackbird Security Firm.

The last time Natasha had dealt with Blackbird there had been complications. Major complications. She wondered briefly about the broken-hearted man she had left behind. Poor Darren. A smile briefly flashed across her face.   It lit up her icy blue eyes. Her full lips slowly dropped down into a frown though as she considered the implications of Petrov’s interest in the security firm.

She had met Darren Martel when they worked on a joint-task force many years ago on a human trafficking case for the International Criminal Court. Their affair had been brief but fiery. She could still picture every inch of his freckled skin in her mind and had frequent dreams about tying him to her bed.

Oh, sweet Darren.

Why would Petrov be interested in Blackbird?

It was a question still plaguing Natasha several days later while setting up the office in Kiev. She heard rumours of a new girl Petrov had gone to Moldova to grab. Her Interpol handler told her they’d almost captured him there. They grabbed another slimy bastard instead, Valentin Krupin. Steven Samuels and Gareth Richardson from Blackbird had contacted them with the info but the wolves were gone with the girl before they arrived.

Her fingers itched to pick up her telephone, but it was too risky for direct contact. Petrov would kill her if he found out, and Interpol wouldn’t be pleased with her either if she ruined years of undercover work. Natasha finally decided to create a dummy e-mail account. She used old codes Darren would remember to let him know where she was, what she was doing and warn him about the Auctioneer.

Her krasnij lis.

Her red fox.

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Find Natasha on Sale for 99c/77p - Release Week Only

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About Dahlia:

Dahlia Donovan started out working in the insurance world. After ten years, she morphed her love of investigating accidents and studying people into writing about them. She's a bit of a hermit and despises being in front of a camera. Her life wouldn't be complete without her husband and her massive collection of books and video games.

Her first novel Ivy started out as a crazy dream which she turned into an adventurous and suspenseful paranormal romance. Her second novel Natasha is schedule for release at the end of August. It will be followed by an Ivy short story titled Masquerade sometime in the autumn. A third novel in the Blackbird series, Alicia, will come out in 2015.

Readers can find Under Fire, a free short story available to all her newsletter subscribers. See her website for more details.

Find Dahlia online at:

Release Day Blitz: Severed Justice by KT Fisher & Ava Manello

Severed Justice

KT Fisher and Ava Manello
Release Date: 31st August 2014
Genre: erotic romance/suspense

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Your favourite Severed MC returns with more chaos, more danger and more fireworks.
Satan may be gone but the danger isn't.
With revenge on the cards from more than one player and hot blooded new comer Justice stirring things up, the people in the town of Severed are in for one hell of a ride.


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The van is hot as hell. I’m watching the house across the street because I know he’s in there. The fucking dick!

I know for a fact he hasn’t left because I’ve been sitting here all fucking day. It’s finally dark, and any time now the little shit is going to leave the house. Then he’s mine.

Cowboy’s with me, but he’s been quiet the whole time. He’s still hurting over losing Cassie and I can’t blame him, it’s only been a few months. Satan may be dead, but it doesn’t stop the guilt we all feel that we weren’t quick enough to save her, nor smart enough to work out what was going on under our own roof.

I straighten up in my seat as I see the hallway light go out. I nudge Cowboy awake, motioning towards the house. It’s time.

I clench my fists as I watch Ted walk over to his car. The slimy piece of shit has been leading my sister on, no fucking way am I letting him off with that shit! My sister means everything to me. Ted is unlocking his car door, when my arm goes around his throat. My approach as always is silent. Deadly.

“What? Who? You can’t do this to me.” He starts to protest, struggling in my arms.

“Shut the fuck up. You’re going to walk over to that van, quiet as a mouse or I’ll start carving pieces of you off as we walk. Choice is yours.” I whisper the words harshly in his ear. As soon as he hears my voice he knows who I am. What I am. It’s enough to cause him to freeze in terror. Cowboy groans in disgust. I tense as I realize what Ted’s done. Shit! The bloody coward’s gone and wet himself. Not only is he a dick, he’s a fucking coward too.

“Please don’t kill me.” He whimpers. Yep. He’s a fucking pussy all right.

If I were him, I’d put up a fight. Stand my ground and be a man! Not whimper and beg. Men like him make me sick.

“I’m not going to kill you Ted.” I reassure him. Although it is really fucking tempting. “That would be far too quick and painless.” Ted whimpers some more so I tighten my hold around his neck. God I’d love to snap it! “I told you to be fucking quiet.” I command.

I practically have to drag Ted the few yards from his driveway to the van. Being careful not to let his piss stained trousers touch me. Cowboy’s ready and waiting for me, the sliding door open. He reaches into his back pocket, a move that causes Ted to start whimpering again. What a fucking wimp. What the fuck did my sister see in him? I’ll never understand it.

Cowboy withdraws some black cable ties from his pocket and uses them to secure Ted’s wrists behind him. He moves to his ankles, doing the same.

“For fuck’s sake Ted.” Cowboy complains. “You a little momma’s boy? You’ve gone and pissed yourself like one.” There’s disgust in Cowboy’s voice.

He pushes Ted face first into the back of the van. Ted is hampered by the ties but manages to crawl a little further in, allowing me to slide the door shut. Not that I’d care if I trapped anything anyway! Cowboy jumps in the passenger seat next to me and I start the van. Moving slowly at first with the headlights off, until I hit the end of the street. The less any busybody neighbors see around here the better.

I only drive for a few minutes before I hit the trail road I’m looking for. This abandoned shack is perfect for what I have planned for this evening. It’s far enough from the town that no one will hear Ted scream. And I intend to make him scream, a lot.

Cowboy and I came here earlier to set up. Everything we need is inside. Cowboy drags Ted from the rear of the van none too carefully. Because of the ties on his ankles he can’t walk. Thanks to wetting himself Cowboy refuses to throw him over his shoulder and carry him. Instead, he grabs him by the wrist ties and drags him along the rough dirt path. That must hurt, but to be fair, considering what I have planned for him, that’s nothing.

Ted’s eyes go wide when we enter the shack and he sees the chain hanging over the solid wooden beam. Cowboy quickly secures him to it as I lean against the wall, listening to Ted’s whimpering. It’s really getting on my fucking nerves. Cowboy moves out of the way as soon as he’s done and I grin. Ted’s hanging by his arms, his feet not quite able to touch the floor and take any of the weight.

I slowly walk up to him. When I’m standing so close that we’re practically nose to nose Ted’s breathing quickens. I’m taller than he is. It’s just something else in the long list of things I don’t like about him.

I see the look of absolute fear in his eyes and it gets me hard. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fucking gay but hurting people that I hate, that deserve it, gets me worked up and Ted really deserves it for what he has done to my sister! My reputation precedes me. Ted may think he knows what’s coming tonight. Trust me, he hasn’t a clue. What he imagines and what I have planned are poles apart.

“You’re not going to die tonight Ted.” There’s a spark of hope in his eyes. A little hint of relief and I can’t allow that. “You’re going to wish you were dead though. So much so, that you will beg me to kill you."

Severed Justice Trailer 

Release Blitz Party

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About The Authors

KT Fisher

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I love reading, it's my favourite hobby. I've always had ideas for my own books packed into my head so I thought I would write them out for people to enjoy

Stalk K.T. Fisher


Ava Manello

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Passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love nothing more tag helping other Indie authors publish their books be that reviewing, beta reading, formatting or proofreading,
I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog.
I've just started a new chapter in my life, I'm a mother, but most of all I'm me and I'm following my dreams!

Stalk Ava Manello


Other Books in the series:

Severed Angel (Severed MC #1)


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Eve could never have imagined that her trip to Australia, where she is set to be maid of honor for her best friend's wedding, could turn from exciting to deadly so quickly.

Her sheltered and boring vanilla life comes to a screeching halt when she arrives in Australia and witnesses a shocking MC murder putting her life in extreme danger. The Carnal MC are a dangerous and savage motorcycle gang who want Eve and will stop at nothing to seek their revenge.

Just when it seems her nightmare fate is sealed, Eve is rescued by the Severed MC and quickly falls for the club's Vice President Gabe aka "Angel". This could be just the diversion she needs. With her new protectors, Eve faces a whole new life she never could have imagined...

Gabe never wanted an old lady. One look at the beautiful Eve cowering at the hands of the enemy changes all that. Starting a war with the Carnal MC and having Eve in his bed is just the beginning.

When Gabe stakes his claim, he goes all in. War with Carnal MC is just the price of making Eve his, and only his. But love invites blood and tragedy in an MC's life.

Just when it's looking up for his MC and his new woman, a savage attack blows the lid off everything. Revenge possessed and determined can the hot tattooed biker save her from the danger that lies ahead?

Purchase Links

Amazon UK
Amazon USA
Barnes & Noble

Carnal Desire (Severed MC #2)


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Continuing Angel and Eve's story from Severed Angel.

Eve returns home unaware danger is hot on her heels. Will Satan get the revenge he seeks, will Angel save the woman he loves or will Ink get the woman he deserves.

The nail biting conclusion to the story that crosses two continents...

Purchase Links

Amazon UK
Amazon USA
Barnes & Noble

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Review of "Flawed and Damaged" By Emily Krat

"Flawed and Damaged" By Emily Krat
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆

We meet Elizabeth while she is at the Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, Russia. She is there to pick up investors for the company that she works for. She wants a promotion and a raise, she has been with the same company for 3 years as a assistant. Ryan thinks that she is one of his brothers call girls, so he sends her away when they get to the hotel. She doesn't listen and sits in the lobby until he comes back down two hours later. She makes a mistake thinking that Ryan is one of the investors to the company and takes him to the hotel. She then finds out that she picked up the wrong person and loses her job. Ryan offers her a job as an assistant to Steven and he will pay her 20,000 dollars to work for him. She is hesitant to take the job but she needs the money for her grandmothers treatment. Elizabeth and Ryan leave to go to Paris to deal with the hotel there, Elizabeth has never been to Paris before she always planned to go with her parents after graduation. Ryan and Elizabeth become friends, Ryan can't believe that she sees the good in him when he has a black soul. Elizabeth says that Ryan is putting her heart back together. This is the first book in the Damaged Hearts series.

Elizabeth doesn't have a degree, she is originally from the US. Her grandmother has Alzheimer's she lost her parents at the age of 17 in a plane crash. She writes in her journal to her parents. Ryan owns Price Corp, he wants to tear his fathers company apart. He agreed to do as his father says as long as his brother Mark could be free. He doesn't do relationships. Nina is Elizabeth's friend and roommate, she encourages Elizabeth to take the job with Ryan and to live a little. Andrew has feelings for Elizabeth, is Nina's brother and he is an international lawyer. Mark is Ryan's brother, stepped up to the plate in Ryan's absence.

I loved this story, I loved that both Ryan and Elizabeth have their own demons to fight. I loved the story line. I loved how all the characters are well developed and they all go together. I wasn't able to put this book down. I loved Emily's style of writing. This is my first book by Emily and it most definitely will not be my last. I highly recommend this book.

Blog Tour: Her Journey by Rachael Orman

Title: Her Journey (Her Series #2)
Author: Rachael Orman
Genre: Erotic Romance
Publication Date: August 27, 2014

He’s exactly what she doesn’t need…
He’s exactly what she shouldn’t want…
He’s exactly what she should stay away from…
But she can't.

After losing her mother, Melia knew her life would never be the same, she just didn’t expect it to be so drastically different. Her mother’s final wish was something that not only changed her life but also the way she lives it. And it put her right in front of a man that angers her as much as he excites her.

Patrick ‘Wrench’ Ryan is president of the Tormented Souls Motorcycle Club. He’s strong, tough, and his word is law, but his sister knows how to get the upper hand with him. So, when she showed up with Melia and told him she’s staying in the club house, it didn’t take much to get him to relent. He tried to play nice, but Melia gets under his skin.

Things change when the club’s biggest foe escalates their rivalry in an attempt to bring the Tormented Souls President to his knees. It’s up to Patrick to protect his sister and the things most important to her. Will he be able to keep everyone safe? Will Melia get caught in the crossfire? Or will it all be for nothing in the end?

Stay at home mother of two with a passion for reading almost as much as writing. She is often found curled up with her Kindle reading while her children cuddle up on either side 'reading' books of their own. Married for almost ten years to the most wonderful husband and father, she couldn't ask for more out of life. Except maybe to live somewhere not quite as hot as the desert she currently lives in



Amazon Author Page:

Author GoodReads:

Her Ride (Book #1 in Her Series)

Her Journey (Book #2 in Her Series) 

Cover Reveal: Freedom by Beth Maria

Title: Freedom (The Mended Hearts #2) 
Series: The Mended Hearts 
Author: Beth Maria 
Genre: N/A College Romance. 
Cover Design: Sprinkles on Top Studios
Release date: October 6th 2014


Chloe Reed and Jake Peterson have been in love since they first set eyes on each other when they were just children. As the years went by, Jake tried to hide his feelings, whilst Chloe let hers be known. Eventually, it was all too much and Jake gave in, though their relationship was kept a secret. Until Chloe drops a bombshell that changes their lives…
Moving away to college, Chloe hopes for a new start, though the guilt eating away at her every single day doesn’t allow it, and she finds herself spiraling out of control and fast. It doesn’t help with Jake and his constant advances. Just when Chloe thought that her life couldn’t get any worse, tragedy strikes again. And who is there to save her when she reaches the pits of hell? Jake Peterson, the guy who caused it all in the first place.
Jake does everything he can to win back the only girl he’s ever loved after losing her when he made the biggest mistake of his life. Watching Chloe deteriorate before his very eyes, he vows to make her smile again if it’s the last thing he does.
Just when you think that everything is going great, fate steps in, ruining all that is good.
Will they be able to get over their past and the guilt that follows them around in order to find happiness with each other, or will it destroy them both? 


Beth Maria is a mother and the author of The Mended Heart Series. She lives in England UK, with her two year old son. When she isn’t doing her motherly duties, you can find her attached to her laptop or on the odd occasion, watching a film.
Her inspirations are Kirsty Moseley, Kelly Elliott, Tijan and Jillian Dodd.
Beth Maria loves listening to The Wanted, reading a good old book in bed or wherever is comfortable and loves checking pictures of sexy men. All for inspiration of course!



Blog Tour: The Husband Hazard by Vivien Paige

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Olivia Adams has her life plan all figured out. One, answer a call-out for a bride from a billionaire. Two, dazzle the billionaire into proposing to her. Three, put the smile back on her mother’s face when she takes her place as the gold-tipped social butterfly she once was eight years ago.
Except for one infuriating, delectable, six-foot-three glitch.
For as long as he can remember, Matthew Kane has planned to take down his father. If he annoys his half-brother in the process by amusing himself with the girl he wants to marry—bonus. However, the madder the sweet little gold-digger gets at him for interfering with her scheme to snatch the billionaire, the more he wants her.
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Well, well, well,” Matthew Kane murmured to himself. So, this was the lucky Olivia Kelly Adams in the flesh, the soon-to-be bride of Victor Meyer, prodigy son of none other than software giant Horace Meyer himself.
Since Matthew had taken a personal interest—although to an outsider it probably looked more like an obsession—in the Meyers’ lives the last fifteen years or so, Victor’s attempt at marriage hadn’t fazed Matthew much. He smirked at the numerous reports about Victor Meyer, landing on his desk. The dreamy bachelor—some starry-eyed daytime talk-show host’s words, not his—had put out an international call for a bride. The handsome twenty-seven-year-old—again, not his words—thought he’d reached the point in his life where he wanted to settle down. Produce heirs to one day take over MeyerTech, the mammoth computer company he ran alongside his father.
So, the crème-de-la-crème with their daughters had attended a fancy lunch hosted by Victor’s mother where he had his choice of beautiful women. Matthew had remained unconcerned throughout it all until he glimpsed a photograph of what could be Victor’s future wife. Then he couldn’t help himself, he needed to see her for himself. That she’d be catching a flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg suited him fine because, suddenly, so would he. Sitting next to her had cost him nothing but a small bribe—his phone number.
The scent of her skin, a mingling of baby powder blended with rose-scented soap, lingered on his hands. He couldn’t stop from messing around with the gorgeous gold digger hoping to plant her nails into the good old fortune of the Meyers, no less. She intrigued him.
Tilting his head to the side, he peered at her sitting rock-rigid beside him, still amused at how she’d flown out of his lap back into her seat. Her dark hair, a wild river of fragrant tresses, covered her face from his view. She hugged the voluptuous dress to her chest. He remembered what seemed to have been paw prints on her white shirt.
He grinned when he thought how stunned she’d been to find herself in his lap.

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Vivien Paige has been eagerly consuming romance novels since her early teens. Strong, dark alpha heroes. Cute, feisty heroines. Combustible, emotional roller-coaster rides to a splendid happy ever after. Perfect! That's what makes her such an awesome wife...well depending on who you ask :) Now she writes her own romance novels too.

Twitter: @VivienPaige

In five words please describe your writing style:

Passionate, crazy, enthusiastic, dillydallyish, fun.

Top three favorite titles (books or movies):

So hard to choose! But Pride and Prejudice is definitely top of my list, the book and the movie. I love The Hobbit, Jane Eyre, anything by Dostoevsky. Gillian Flynn gives me a good scare, love her. Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels – a book I keep reading.

Do your leading characters come from any place in particular?

Yes – my head! :)

What do you do in your down time?

Downtime? Even when I’m not writing I’m still thinking about writing all the time! But I do love being with my family. Read - I have a TBR pile as high as a mountain. I watch movies, or have series marathons.

Top five snacks while writing:

Pumpkin seeds
Air-popped popcorn
I should add all the above comes with chocolate!

What's your writing process?

I pantster my way furiously to chapter four or five, realize it isn’t working, plot desperately, right myself, carry on pantstering, plot, rinse, repeat :)

Talk to us about your book, what is your favorite part or character?

Matthew is my favorite character. I enjoyed writing about his first meeting with Olivia. She was so flustered by him.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Umm…I’m not allowed to say? ;)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Blog Tour: Us by Emily Eck

Us (L & J #3)
by Emily Eck


Told from dual points of view, Elle and J must figure out how to bring down an MC, steer clear of flying bullets in Missouri and south of the border, all the while making sure Fernie is out of the line of fire. Elle's love for J is tested, as is her belief that she will ever find "normal" with the man she loves. J is determined to make things right so he can give Elle the "normal" life she deserves. He just has to stay alive to make it happen. With his own personal sun by his side, he knows nothing is impossible. That is, until the bullets are redirected from his head to Elle's.
Elle: I held my hand up, showing him the ring he’d put on me. “This is us,” I told him. It was more than a ring. Well, to me it was more. “I promise to love you ‘til the day I die.”
J:"Us, baby. This is us. I'll love you 'til the sun ceases to shine."

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About the Author

Emily is a Midwestern Gal hailing from the United States, but could be anywhere as you read this. Currently residing in Mexico, adventure feeds her soul, and offers great writing material. She loves kids and working with kids, but can only handle caring for four-legged furry friends. A crazy dog and laid back cat have trained her to be their partner in life. After coming from a snowy climate, Emily and the animals are loving the sun Mexico has to offer each and every day. Vices include Swedish Fish, ignoring chores in favor of reading, and caring too much for people in her life. She chose to write this bio in third person as she is an Aries, and found writing in first person ended up with her writing an excessively long life story. Aries like to talk about themselves. It is something Emily is working on being more mindful of. You can contact her on any of the social media platforms below and she will respond, as her mom gave her the gift of gab.

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