About Love On High Steel Bridge
Author: Rebecca Rohman
Release Date: February 26, 2019
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
Approximate Number of Pages/Words: 500/146,000
Format: Ebook & Paperback
Captain Dorian Rae is a wounded soul who gets his greatest pleasures from being in the great outdoors and soaring the skies. When he has a life-changing encounter with a beauty on Washington State’s High Steel Bridge, he never anticipates that one meeting would have an enduring effect on him and change their worlds forever.
But fate seems determined to throw them together when she repeatedly shows up not only in his dreams but also in reality, and in his past when he finds out that she played a role in the death of his best friend.
When a seemingly impossible friendship develops between the two, the lines between friendship and romantic relationship become blurred and Dorian’s efforts to stay out of a relationship—especially with a woman with such a tattered past―comes into question.
While her past catches up with their present, and disapproving family and friends enter the mix, the already deep-seated conflict that at first kept these two people apart, now threatens to break them up forever.
Love On High Steel Bridge will take you through high altitudes and to some devastating lows. If you like suspense, steamy love scenes and unexpected plot twists, come with Captain Rae as he flies the skies on this riveting journey.

Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
I patiently wait between releases for what comes next from Rebecca Rohman as she never disappoints. So I was excited to get my hands on this book and, once again, she hit it out of the park.
It was always going to be a difficult story to write and sell as Robin had made some choices in her past that didn't shower her in glory and resulted in her losing everything. When we meet her here we see her at lowest - one where she can't see a reason to continue living. Thank goodness Dorian was around, who with his kindness, compassion and empathy brought her back from the edge and started on her journey. Throughout this journey, Robin meets many people who turn their back on her and make judgments based on her past, including her family but there are a few gems that take the time to listen and understand and give her compassion and a chance.
Dorian is an exceptional man with the compassion that exudes from him and his lack of judgement. He takes the time to get to know Robin and listen to her. He is passionate and protective and goes all in, standing up for Robin when she doesn't have the strength to do it herself. This was a second chance for Robin in every sense of the sentiment. She doesn't shy away from her past and never gives up trying to make amends. This would have made a beautiful story all by itself but Rebecca Rohman likes to throw some suspense and tension into the story from an outside source. This was cleverly weaved into Robin and Dorian's journey making it a smooth story with plenty to get my teeth into. It kept me hooked from pretty much the start to the very end and I seemed to go through every emotion and reaction whilst reading. Another fantastic read from a fantastic author. I will now back to patiently waiting for the next story from Rebecca Rohman's pen.
Excerpt - Their First Encounter...
“Don’t jump,” I plead with the woman teetering on the edge of the rail of High Steel Bridge, Washington. She’s close to falling three hundred plus feet to her death.
She swiftly turns to me, a blackened stream of tears leaks from her beautiful, emerald eyes.
An explosion erupts in my chest as I get near her. “Whatever it is, you’ll get through it, but it’s not worth your life.”
I take a step closer, hoping to get nearer in case she ignores my appeal.
“I have nothing left,” she cries. “I’ve hurt and lost my family and everyone I care about. My kids hate me. All I’ve done is cause everyone heartache and pain. I have nothing to live for…I have nothing to offer them…they’d all be better off without me.”
“I doubt that’s true.”
She looks down and for a second, I think she’s going to jump.
“Please don’t!” I step closer to her and stretch out my hand. “Please. My name is Dorian—Dorian Rae. Please, let me help you.”
“You don’t know me…you don’t want to know me,” she sobs. “I’m a horrible person. I’ve done horrendous things and I’ve hurt innocent people, and no matter what I do, I could never, ever fix it. I could never give back what I took from them. No matter what I do, I will never make it right. Everyone would be better off if I weren’t here.”
Sweat trickles down my brow as I try to figure out what to say to this woman to stop her from taking her life.
I make another attempt. “I’m here. And if you’d like someone to talk to, I’d be willing to listen.” I slowly step closer to her. If I lunged forward, I could probably grab her wrist, but I don’t want to startle her with sudden movements and cause her to fall over.
I stretch my palm toward her. “Take my hand. Let’s give this another try. I’ll listen. I’m here to help you. Or maybe there’s someone else you’d prefer I call?”
“No. I’d be doing them all a favor if I were out of their lives. Thanks for trying to help…but this would be best for everyone. If I’m gone, I can’t hurt anyone—I can’t cause any more pain.”
“Look, I understand things are rough but please…”
She looks me in the eye. “I’m sorry.”
The gushing waterfall below fills the air accompanied by her sobs. She slightly lifts one of her feet as if to step to her death when I leap toward her, grab her wrist and pull her off the railing and into my arms where we both crash onto the road.
I breathe.
I sit with this woman in my arms where for minutes her sobs echo through the clean air as she clutches onto me tightly and bawls. My shoulders relax as I hold her.
It then occurs to me that I’ve never seen someone in such intense pain although I can relate to it.
My chest clenches as I hold her in my arms and in some way, though I know nothing of her troubles, I feel this inexplicable connection to her and find myself relating to her pain.
“It’s going to be okay,” I whisper, gently stroking her long, jet-black hair. “You’ll make it through this. I’ve been there. I know it’s hard but give it some time.”
As I comfort her, a black and pink backpack catches my attention on the sidewalk. It matches her shoes so it must be hers. It looks like she’d been hiking. However, would she be hiking alone in such a secluded area? If she came up here for the sole purpose of killing herself, why bring camping gear?
“I’m sorry.” She backs away from my hold. “Thanks for your help.”
She rises to her feet, picks up her bag and walks toward the other side of the bridge where cars are parked.
“Wait.” I run to catch up with her. “Let me get you some help or take you to a hospital.”
“I’ll be fine. Thanks,” she responds still in tears.
My fear that she’ll try this again prompts me to hold her wrist. “You shouldn’t be alone. Let me help you. If you like, I’ll stay with you while you call a friend or a family member, or I can take you to the nearest hospital myself.”
“I don’t know you—”
“My name is Dorian Rae.” I slip my hands into my pocket, pull out my wallet, retrieve my driver’s license and my airline ID and show it to her.
Through her tears, she looks at it, then me in silence but does not respond.
“Look, I will not leave you here alone. Either we call someone you’re close to or you let me take you to the hospital. Otherwise, I’ll call the police. And I doubt I’ll get a signal up here so that leaves you with only one option. Come on, you shouldn’t be alone.”
I take her backpack from her hand and extend my open palm toward her. “Let me help you. Please.”
Hesitantly, she stretches out her hand to meet mine while soft sobs leave her lips.
“Did you drive up here?”
She nods.
“Well, I’ll take you to the hospital and we’ll worry about getting your car after.”
She murmurs a soft okay when we arrive at the parking area.
“May I ask your name? If you’re uncomfortable, you don’t have to tell me.”
She looks down and shakes her head as silent tears continue down her cheeks.
There are three vehicles here including mine. I open the door on the passenger side to allow her into my car, slip our backpacks into the backseats and take pictures of the remaining two vehicles before I get into the seat beside her. If she’s not comfortable telling me her name, I doubt she would want to tell me which of the two vehicles she owns.
I start the ignition and turn to her. “It’s okay. I’m going to take you to the nearest hospital. If there is anything else I can do for you, let me know, okay?”
Looking down, she nods in acknowledgment.
We drive along the wooded and sometimes barren road mostly in silence. The occasional sniffling from her tears are the only sounds invading the quiet air.
The late afternoon sun is leaving for the day. Fifteen minutes later, when I get to US Highway 101, a signal comes through on my cell phone and I find out the nearest hospital is fifteen minutes away.
She stays in the car when I pull up to the emergency room.
Is she scared?
After the last hour, I could only imagine that she might be. I tell the first nurse I see why she’s here. However, when I explain that I don’t know her, not even her name, they tell me they’ll take it from there.
The nurse walks out with a wheelchair to my vehicle and helps her out.
“Would you like me to stay with you?” I ask.
“No, thank you,” she whispers. “You’ve done enough.”
“We’ll handle it,” the nurse says to me.
I grab her bag from the back seat and hand it to her along with my business card. “If you ever need anyone to talk to, please call me.”
She whispers a soft, “Thank you.”
I watch the nurse wheel her away until she disappears from my view.
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Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the northeastern United States. She was a sales manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company and fine wine distributor.
About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel purely to entertain herself. In early 2012, she decided to complete and release it. Since then, she has released five additional novels including Love On High Steel Bridge and three novellas. Love On High Steel Bridge is her ninth release.
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Titles By Rebecca Rohman

Although Rebecca Rohman’s novels standalone, they can be read together because they share the same characters. The novellas are follow-up books to the full-length novels. They’re listed below in the order they were released in case you’d like to read them together.
Translating The Tides (Standalone)
Love On The Pacific Shores Series
Love, Lies & The D.A.
Love M.D.
A Problematic Love
Love, Lies & A Bleu Christmas (Novella)
The Painful Side of Love (Novella)
Love On High Steel Bridge
The Uncorked Series
Unravel – An Uncorked Novella
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