Twelve overgrown man-children, sixteen hours, and a whole lot of liquor. Just how much fun can be had in one night?
Join Nate, Ashton and their friends on a wild night out on the town.
This is NOT a romance story, it's a short (approx 22 thousand word) humour sketch.
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B&N - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/one-wild-night-enjoying-the-chase-novella-kirsty-moseley/1119618794?ean=2940045919302
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Charity info
ALL of Kirsty's proceeds from the sale of this ebook, and the paperback version, will be donated to charity. MacMillan Cancer Care is a fantastic cause and a charity that Kirsty feels extremely passionate about. Ten years ago, when her husband Lee was diagnosed with a brain tumour, MacMillan Cancer Care was there to support them through it. Their work is fantastic, their nurses give patients life even as they draw their last breath, their funding helps people during the toughest time of their lives. This is why every penny of the author's royalties, for the life of the novella, will be donated to this fantastic cause.
You can help support by buying the novella, spreading the word, or simply leaving a review. The book is priced at $0.99 / £0.77 – way less than the price of a cup of coffee, yet every single penny will make a difference to the charity.
To read more about MacMillan, click here: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Home.aspx
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