Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all!

For me New Year is one of my least favourite holidays and I spent New Years Eve reflecting on why.  So here's my take.  Firstly it is a reminder that time is going too quickly and that the last year has gone in a blink of an eye.  Secondly, it was never my mum's favourite and I'm sure this has influenced me in some way, shape or form.  Thirdly, there feels like there is so much pressure to make changes in your life and when things don't go according to plan, you feel like a massive failure.  This is probably the main reason for me. 

I have spent the last year to year and a half trying to get a handle on my anxiety and depression like so many people out there.  One of the things that has helped the most is changing the way that I think and talk to myself so doing away with the negative comments to myself (this is still a work in progress).  But most importantly setting myself goals and visualising myself reaching them.  For me this a year round state of mind and not something we do because it's the beginning of the year.  Life happens, goals change.  The changes don't need to be big but should encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.  So I'm not setting resolutions (outside of my Goodreads challenge) this year, I'm keeping on the path I have started on and continue working towards the goals I have already set and those that I have yet to set.

I am also not going to do what other blogs have done and list my favourite reads of the year.  Even if I limited it to the top 20, I don't think I could even begin to narrow it down.  I have discovered some new authors to me, stepped outside my comfort zone and read in genres I wouldn't usually pick up, completed my Goodreads challenge, read traditionally published books and indie published book, read books that I hated,  books that I loved, books that made me cry, books that made me laugh.  I am looking forward to reading more and experiencing this and more.  I will continue to read books in the order that they hit my kindle, which means that I will always be behind in my own reading but for the books I read for the blog get their own priority order too. I hope to share more of the books I read for myself this year in addition to those the blog signs up to promote but I'm not making any promises!  

This year will be what I make it be - books will be a major part of this as always.  I know there will be challenges and set backs along the way as there have been in the past but the tools I have will help me along the way on my continuing journey.

Ramblings over.

Blwyddyn Newydd Da i Chi

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